Secondary School ICT Engineer – August 2021 – Present

Previously I worked in this school for a third party company, I left the company as they couldn’t provide me with a part-time schedule so I could operate my business along with my ICT career, the school then approached me with what I wanted so I gladly accepted, I currently work here and manage over 900 students and 130 members of staff.

The Purple Shop CEO – February 2021 – Present

I acquired this business when it was in its founding steps, I took this business under my wing, applied my knowledge and grew the sales over 90% from the previous owners last month, to go with this I’ve also worked with actors from the Disney Channel boasting over a million followers.  

Baby Island Founder – October 2020 – Present

I and my girlfriend came up with the idea to create an e-commerce business around the Baby and Toddler niche, this is due to her job as a nursery teacher, we believed we could capitalise on her skills and sell products that we knew parents were currently missing out on but needed. 

Gym Unlimited Founder – July 2020 – Present

During my time of furlough, as each day ticked off I was getting repeatedly more annoyed at myself for not using the perfect opportunity I’ve been given to do more than sit around all day playing my Playstation. One night I was struggling to sleep and came up with the idea I would create an e-commerce business selling fitness equipment, all, I could see across my social media was people looking for this to stay fit during the lockdown, there was a large need for it which I could use to my advantage. I started with £5 and grew this business to exponential numbers, the first item which I focused on was skipping ropes, which I sold thousands of, it had a low-cost price that worked within my cash flow.

Joskos ICT Apprentice – January 2020 – July 2021

Dealing with the difficult circumstances of COVID-19, I managed to successfully finish with 5 level 3 awards, it was an extremely rewarding time for me, education-wise and also emotionally, I was able to help nearly 100 families during the lockdown by providing them with a laptop for their children to continue learning from, making sure no child is not given an unfair education based on their families finances.

JD Sports – August 2019 – November 2019

At my current place of employment, I am tasked with the job of serving customers, replenishing stock, making sure standards are up to scratch and keeping the store and stock room clear, this job has taught me to work under pressure when lots of customers are in the store shopping at any one time and also its taught me how to take feedback from my fellow employees about my work ethic and how to become better and always improve.

Ashton Gate – 2 months experience 2018

In my time of employment at Ashton Gate stadium I had the duty of serving customers at the tills which helped me to gain the skill of coping under immense pressure and high-intensity fans. Through this job, I was able to improve my communication and customer service skills.

UKRD – One week’s work experience 2017 

In my week’s work experience, I was able to carry out duties such as answer and solve support tickets. I answered the phone for customer support and helped resolve problems I also installed a server at one of their other locations, I enjoyed my work there so much that I voluntarily went back in the summertime for another week to carry on the job at hand. Overall, I helped customers and was able to offer advice and physically I contributed my technology skills which led to resolving the issues at hand.